aAscended Foot - Other
Health: low
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: low
Attacks 8
Gold: 1,185,030
Armor: medium
Exp: 2,736,000,000
Resist: medium
aSpiritual grasp - Other
Health: medium
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: medium
Attacks 8
Gold: 2,118,958
Armor: medium
Exp: 5,472,000,000
Resist: high
aKnee of big pain - Other
Health: medium
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: medium
Attacks 5
Gold: 3,372,779
Armor: medium
Exp: 8,208,000,000
Resist: low
aSpiritualist - Other
Health: medium
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: medium
Attacks 6
Gold: 4,672,130
Armor: medium
Exp: 10,944,000,000
Resist: medium
aWarlord of the Keep - Other
Health: medium
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: medium
Attacks 5
Gold: 5,277,776
Armor: medium
Exp: 13,680,000,000
Resist: medium
aShield of Ascension - Other
Health: medium
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: medium
Attacks 9
Gold: 7,276,595
Armor: medium
Exp: 16,416,000,000
Resist: medium
aAscended Ruler of the Spirit Realm - Other
Health: medium
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: medium
Attacks 5
Gold: 8,295,218
Armor: high
Exp: 19,152,000,000
Resist: medium
aHigh Priestess of Ascension - Mythic
Health: high
Align: Spirit
Max Hit: high
Attacks 25
Gold: 650,000,000
Armor: low
Exp: 7,500,000,000,000
Resist: medium
HP Range: 300,000,000 - 750,000,000,000
Hit Range: 223,888 - 625,000
Armor: 70% - 90%
Mag. Resist: 78% - 89%