Events Schedule

Challenge Rules:

  • Challenges are events that are only available to "fresh" characters.
  • Newly created characters get an option to join an acitve challenge. Besides the main loot bags for the first completing players, they offer experience and gold rewards to anyne who completes in time (except for challenges of type EndsWhenWon). You find active challengesright here and in the HOME tab.
  • A player wins by completing all necessary goals (Quest + One of Other )
  • When a player wins, they immediately receive all rewards, including the next item from the loot bag if one is left.
  • Loot bags involve very unique items. They are not overpowered but very useful for a long time
  • Some challenges have restrictions, for example not to use certain item type - read the description carefully.
  • To find out more about the current state of a challenge, visit the Wall of Challenge which also shows the History of chalenges.

Challenge Schedule:

Events of next 14 days:

Monday, March 31, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard Elite_DoubleChanceStats
Tuesday, April 1, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard Elite_DoubleChanceStats
Wednesday, April 2, 2025: CookieMonster DarkTraveller
Thursday, April 3, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard Bosses_ShortTimers
Friday, April 4, 2025: CookieMonster DarkTraveller
Saturday, April 5, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard DoubleChanceResources
Sunday, April 6, 2025: CookieMonster DarkTraveller Bosses_ShortTimers EasyEnchantments
Monday, April 7, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard
Tuesday, April 8, 2025: CookieMonster DarkTraveller
Wednesday, April 9, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard Bosses_ShortTimers DesertTreasuresMoreWays
Thursday, April 10, 2025: CookieMonster DarkTraveller
Friday, April 11, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard
Saturday, April 12, 2025: CookieMonster DarkTraveller Bosses_ShortTimers
Sunday, April 13, 2025: CookieMonster BoredGuard CheaperEstates

Holidays 2025:

New Year (1/1/2025 - 1/2/2025): ExpBonus GoldBonus DropBonus
Guards Memorial Week (2/4/2025 - 2/11/2025): BG_Frequency BG
Sesam Week (3/12/2025 - 3/19/2025): CM_Frequency CM
Easter (4/18/2025 - 4/21/2025): ExpBonus GoldBonus DropBonus
Hikers Week (4/24/2025 - 5/1/2025): DT_Frequency DT
Hot Forge (6/9/2025 - 6/16/2025): ForgeHints_Frequency
Guards Memorial Week (7/16/2025 - 7/23/2025): BG_Frequency BG
Sesam Week (8/6/2025 - 8/13/2025): CM_Frequency CM
Hikers Week (9/22/2025 - 9/29/2025): DT_Frequency DT
Hot Forge (10/2/2025 - 10/9/2025): ForgeHints_Frequency
Halloween (10/31/2025 - 11/1/2025): ExpBonus GoldBonus DropBonus
Thanksgiving (11/27/2025 - 11/27/2025): ExpBonus GoldBonus DropBonus
Christmas (12/23/2025 - 12/26/2025): ExpBonus GoldBonus DropBonus

Event Types

We have the following three Random Quest events. Each of these will reward the winner with a temporary exp + gold buff and some quest points in addition to mentioned rewards.

Cookie Monster Event

  • The Cookie Monster lives in 8 different places, reflecting the difficulty of the started quests.
  • Only one instance can be activated at a time - that pĆ¼layer receives a +10% exp + gold bonus for half an hour.
  • When activated, it will create a public quest that every player can sign up for.
  • Only the player who finishes first will receive the rewards.
  • The objective is obviously to get a certain amount of some type of food.
  • The reward consists of a Misc. Item, experience, gold and quest points.
  • The higher the difficulty of the quest, the better are the rewards.
  • If a quest is not comnpleted within one hour, there is an option to cancel it (anyone can do that in any cookie monster place) so that a new quest can be created

Bored Guard Event

  • This event works quite similar as the one above, except for the following differences:
  • The Bored Guard lives in towns and villages only, 7 different levels / towns
  • The objective is to kill creatures.
  • The main reward is an armor, the more difficulkt the quest is, the better the chance for giving a village armor

Dark Traveller Event

  • The Dark Traveller appears in 10 zones, so 10 levels
  • The objective is to find places in 2 quests.
  • Rewards: Quest 1: Dark Trinket; Quest 2: A weapon (max tier = level * 2)